i am selling varities of masks frm taiwan,
which is quite hot sell nowadays.
(i am gila money xD)
As my sis's friend is saving money to go London study.
So i am here helping her to promote.
(i'm so kind-hearted k?!!)
Therefore,if anyone is interest,
pls contact me,sms or msn.
just hav sum try as it is damn cheap!!
no causing of skin sensitive(i tried b4)
no sign effects.
So,gals.it's time for u to'jaga muka' since v 're 20years old d,
nt says young.yet nt 2old.
(apa pulak, =.=")
ok,im talking nonsense here.
Anyhow,jz wish can support me abit lol~
(SB)我的心機鑽石級面膜My Scheming Beauty diamond Facial Masks -rm10/3pcs
1-金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜 Marigold Extract
2-海洋深層水鑽石級面膜 Deep Sea Water
3-燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜 Bird's Nest + Collagen Mask
4-深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜 Cavior Extract Mask
5-高麗人蔘鑽石級面膜 Ginseng Extract Mask
6-十五胜肽全效胺基酸面膜 Argireline + Amino Mask
7-蝦紅素海洋之鑽面膜 Astaxanthin Mask
8-玻尿酸面膜 Sodium Hyaluronate/ Bolivian Uric Acid Mask
9-Q10膠原蛋白面膜 Q10 Collagen Mask
10-特濃紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Polyphenols Mask
11-淨化調理面膜 Iris Extract Purifying Mask
12-埔里酒粕面膜 Rice Wine / Sake Kojic Extract
13-角質深層清潔面膜 Deep Cleansing Bacisllus Ferment Mask
14-頂級左旋C面 Ascorbic Acid
15-葡萄籽面膜 Grape Seed Extract Mask
16-牛奶美白保濕面膜 Milk Whitening Moisture Mask
17-綠茶薏仁面膜 Green Tea&Barley Extract
18-薄荷膠原蛋白面膜 Menthol + Collagen Mask
19-綠茶草本抗痘面膜 Herbaceous Anti-Acne/Asmosoft Mask
20-珍珠粉蛋白面膜 Pearl Powder Protein Mask
21-蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜 Hydrolyzed Silk Protein Mask
22-熊果素亮白無暇面膜 Arbutin Extract Mask
23-蘆薈維他命E修護面膜 Aloe Vera + Vitamin E Repairing Mask
(BD)我的美麗日記面膜Beauty Diary facial Mask - RM 10/2pcs
1-納豆面膜 Natto Mask
2-優酪乳面膜 Yogurt Mask
3-蘋果多酚面膜 Apple Polyphenal Mask
4-清酒酒粕面膜 Sake Yeast Mask
5-珍珠粉面膜 Pearl Powder Mask
6- 紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Polyphenols Mask
7-蘆薈面膜 Aloe Vera MaskBD
8-Q10奈米面膜 Q10 Rejuvenating Mask
9- 精米胜月太奈米面膜 Intensive Rice Peptides Mask
10-保加麗亞玫瑰面膜 Bulgarian Rose Mask
11-冰沁活氧奈米面膜 Cooling Mask
12- 普羅旺斯薰衣草奈米面膜Lavender Rejuvenating Mask
13-黑珍珠面膜 Black Pearl Mask
(HL)北海道戀人系列 Hokkaido Lover Mask - RM 10/3pcs
1-Q10緊緻彈力面膜 Q10 Elastin Mask
2-15胜肽煥顏面膜 Argireline Mask
3-左旋C晶透浄白面膜 Ascorbic Acid Whitening
4-玻尿酸水漾面膜 Hyaluronic Acid Mask
5-控油調理雙效面膜 Oil Control Purifying Mask
6-櫻花嫩白光采面膜 Sakura Shinning Mask
7-E.F.G 修護無痕面膜 EFG hydrate&repairing mask
1 comment:
Are you interested to buy facial mask from Beauty Diary at a wholesale price? If you are interested, please advise the total quantity that you are looking for. I will be able to propose an attractive price for you based on your quantity. You can contact me at beautyme09@gmail.com for further discussion.
For your information, I am also selling facial mask from Xin Ji (My Scheming) and Dainty Design.
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